Risk management system of roads (SIGRAV/2009) using geo-intelligence on highways of the state of Santa Catarina - Southern Brazil.

With the rapid growth of traffic accidents and disasters occurring on the roads of Santa Catarina in Southern Brazil, building a system of road risk management (SIGRAV/2009) was the aim of this research. The SIGRAV/2009 is a prototype applied to the highways of the State of Santa Catarina. It was developed based upon geo-intelligence and aimed at supporting the decision making on the prevention, monitoring, treatment and response activities, with the aim of improving the different steps in a risk management process. Numerical databases and cartographic analysis were built in SIGRAV/2009, allowing for the analysis that measures risks for both traffic accidents and disasters on highways. Results can be presented in tables, graphs or maps. The system has been methodically built on conceptual, logical and physical models. Finally, the authors can affirm that the SIGRAV/2009 is a stimulus for effective road risk management on the highways of the State of Santa Catarina.

DIESEL, L. E.GARCIA, E. ; ORTH, D. M. ; BOTELHO, L. J. ; BASTOS, L.C. . RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF ROADS (SIGRAV/2009) USING GEO-INTELLIGENCE ON HIGHWAYS OF THE STATE OF SANTA CATARINA - SOUTHERN BRAZIL.. In: XXIV Congreso Mundial de Carreteras, 2011, Ciudad de México. Actas - XXIV Congreso Mundial de Carreteras, 2011.

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Lançamento_Livro: Acidentologia – Risco e Prevenção: Visão Multidisciplinar

Proposta de um sistema de gestão de riscos viários (SIGRAV/2009) usando geointeligência para rodovias do Estado de Santa Catarina – Sul do Brasil